Fatqa e Sehaile, June 2020. What is the best way to tell a project and to summarize its activities and results?

CTM has decided to leave images the task of summarizing what has been achieved and of expressing what sometimes is complex to tell with words.

A video that, in a few minutes, traces and summarizes the activities that the international cooperation project “Strengthening of prevention, rehabilitation and social and economic reintegration services for addicts and former addicts in Lebanon” – AID 10964 has carried out, in three years since its launch, to support the rehabilitation of drug addicts and ex-drug addicts and to facilitate their living conditions and their social reintegration.

The project, funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS), with the contribution of the 8xmille of the Catholic Church, and carried out by CTM, in partnership with the Oum el Nour Association, and the collaboration of ASeS and CIA for social agriculture, intervened to renew the structures of the two rehabilitation centers in Fatqa and Sehaile, managed by the Lebanese Association itself, to increase the skills and abilities of the educational staff and to provide residents with professional skills that can foster their personal and social redemption and representing “a new beginning” outside the Rehabilitation Centers.