In the framework of the third year of the project “Strenghtening of social and educational services for minors in Palestinian refugees camps of Mar Elias, Burj el Barajneh and Rashidieh in Lebanon” the English courses for the three GKCF centers of Mar Elias, Bourj el Barajneh and Rashidieh are continuing.
Three teachers, specialized in the didactic of the English language, will form 75 children from 6 to 8 years old in the bases of the language according to the UNRWA teaching programs, the most used inside the camps.
In this way, children will be facilitated in the following learning of the English language that will take place, together with other subjects, precisely in the UNRWA schools.
The courses were really appreciated until now by both children and families. The excellent marks obtained in English by the pupils enrolled in the course during the second year of the project show the effectiveness of the course.
The teachers will give 100 hours of lessons for each center (50 days of lesson).