Tyre (Lebanon), December 2021

Thanks to the BLUE TYRE project funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) and led by the Municipality of Tricase, the stakeholders of the coastal community of Tyre met in order to improve the capacity of local authorities and citizens to manage the environmental problems and related to the climatic changes affecting the Mediterranean area.

A first participatory table was held on Thursday 16 December, at the Imam Sadr Foundation meeting room, with the presence of activists from local associations that deal with the environment in order to carry out the analysis of stakeholders in the coastal area to highlight the critical issues and identify possible solutions considering experiences and feedback provided by those who have been involved in environmental protection on the southern coast of Lebanon.

The meeting has been attended by: Piero Carlino (Director of the Sea Turtle Recovery Center of the Calimera Museum), Hassan Hamze (Director of the Tyre Coast Nature Reserve) and Youssef Khadra (Coordinator of the network Tire Clean Campaign). The Apulian expert Piero Carlino carried out a mission to Lebanon precisely in order to set up the scientific and technical path of the project which will see the opening of an environmental observatory and a Sea Turtles Rescue Center within the Tyre Reserve together with a campaign training and awareness of workers and of the entire coastal population.