Tricase (Lecce), December 2019.
” TUTTO DI PERSONALE – Storie di vita nuova” is the title of the exhibition, created by CTM, within the project “Strengthening of prevention, rehabilitation and social and economic reintegration services for drug addicts and former drug addicts in Lebanon” – AID 10964 and exposed from 13 to 26 December 2019 in Tricase, in the wonderful Palazzo Gallone. An exhibition that tells, through the beautiful images of photographer Dario Gambino, stories, hopes and “new lives” of the residents in the two rehabilitation centers of Sehaile and Fatqa, in Lebanon.

The exhibition arises from the will of CTM to share the results of the project implemented in Lebanon, but above all from the desire to tell the life of the residents in the two rehabilitation centers.
For this reason, the photographer Dario Gambino spent a period in Lebanon, sharing with the residents the daily life of rehabilitation centers. This made it possible to establish a relationship with the children and discover some details of their affective sphere, their hopes and the great need of each of them to return to a normal life.

Since it is not possible to portray the faces of the guest, Dario Gambino, he wanted to tell about his everyday life through the objects, photos, gestures and writings that represent not only the link with life outside the center, but that, many times, are a way to investigate yourself and to talk about how you are trying to go back to an absolutely normal life, made up of problems and difficulties but with the knowledge that you have acquired the right tools to deal with it.

The project “Strengthening of prevention, rehabilitation and social and economic reintegration services for drug addicts and former drug addicts in Lebanon” – AID 10964, funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) and implemented by CTM, in partnership with the Association Lebanese Oum el Nour, aims to enhance the training and technical-professional offer capacities of the Oum el Nour Rehabilitation Centers and start income-generating activities for direct beneficiaries, thus facilitating their social redemption and easier reintegration into society.