Today the guided visits of schools and educational centers have started at the agricultural and dairy cooperatives in the provinces of Tyre and Sidon (South of Lebanon).

In the first part of the morning,  about 70 kids from  Mosan center  for childhood and disability attended the presentation concerning the cultural and nutritional importance of olive oil.

Thereafter,  a group of 30 of them, accompanied by educators,  visited the olive oil mill of the Halloussiyeh cooperative on the hills near the city of Tyre.

The visit has allowed the kids to personally witness the cycle of olive oil production, an ancient practice that, although with modern technologies, has been renewed every autumn for millennia in all Mediterranean countries. The experience is a real sensory immersion in the olive world with its strong smells, the noise of millstones and presses, sticking the hands in black olives that, almost magically, turn into a blond and delicious liquid.

Within the project “Promotion of children’s rights and new opportunities for informal education in southern Lebanon” – AID10585 / CTM / LBN, coordinated by CTM Onlus and financed by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS), already 722 students from public and private schools have been able to make experiences like this linked to the quality of food and the environment that surrounds us.